Phone: 704-796-4643


Degrees and Certifications:

BSW & MSW Licensed School Social Worker

Ms. Elizabeth (Liz) Baker

Hi everyone! I am the School Social Worker for R Brown McAllister Elementary and Mount Pleasant Elementary. This is my third year with Cabarrus County Schools. I received my BSW and MSW in Social Work from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

As a School Social Worker, my goal is to serve as a liaison between home, school, and community to help students and families overcome obstacles in order to reach their full potential. Some of the services I provide include but are not limited to, crisis intervention, individual/group counseling, case management, parent education, family outreach, information/referrals to community resources, attendance monitoring/intervention, and McKinney-Vento/homeless education support. A detailed list of services are listed here on the CCS School Social Work department website.

Students can be referred to the school social worker by teachers, counselors, administrators, parents or self. Please contact me if your child or family needs assistance.

 Click here for my referral form

I'm at RBMES on Mondays and Thursdays and MPES on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I will be rotating between both schools each Friday. 

My work cell number is 704-796-4643