

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Stephanie Bloom

Hello Bobcat Family!

My name is Stephanie Bloom, and I am thrilled to be looping with the Bobcat fourth grade family as the 5th Grade Math Teacher.  I graduated from Mt. St. Joseph University (located in Cincinnati, Ohio) with an undergraduate degree in Elementary Education.  Immediately after I graduated, I jumped into a 4th grade position, teaching ELA and Social Studies.  In Ohio, I worked with my team to complete my Master's Degree in Education via a distance learning program at Mary Grove College. After a few years of teaching in Ohio, I moved to Davidson, NC, and once again taught ELA and Social Studies at a neighborhood school.  As my life progressed, and my family grew, I took a short break from teaching to have my first child, Charlie, in 2005.  Sammy arrived in 2008, and after a few years of staying home with my boys, I knew I wanted to return to teaching.  I taught at a charter school in Davidson as the Literacy Specialists, working with students in grades K-5th grade.  As time passed, I began to gravitate to the 5th Grade students and absolutely fell in love with that age group.  Once again, I switched it up a bit and moved from the K-5 Literacy Specialists position to the 6/7 Lead ELA Teacher.  Two years ago, I taught here at RBM as the fifth grade science teacher and LOVED that curriculum!  As many of you know, I taught your beautiful students last year as the fourth grade Math teacher.  These different experiences at the different grade levels allowed me the opportunity to not only teach to a variety of learners, but also to learn different teaching styles and practices along the way.  I absolutely adore RBM and working in this Concord neighborhood school. 

I am very excited to see all of you again, to continue to instill a love of Math, and to make this year another great year of learning!!