

Degrees and Certifications:

University of Michigan: Bachelor of Science- Movement Science Lindenwood University: Master of Arts in Teaching- Physical Education and Health

Mr. Matt Rhoades

Welcome to Winkler Health and PE. I am entering my 5th year of teaching and 1st year at Winkler. Born and raised in Michigan, I have since lived in St. Louis, MO, and most recently Miami, FL. My wife and I moved to the Charlotte area this past summer and are excited to get out and explore. I love watching all sports, but my favorite, by far, is watching college football… Especially my University of Michigan Wolverines! I am excited to join the Winkler community and look forward to working with your students.


Health Materials:

Notebook/ loose paper

Pencil/ pen


Textbook (will be provided by the school)


Physical Education Materials:

Tennis shoes

Comfortable clothes to workout/ participate in