Career & Technical Education
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Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment
A major component of Perkins V, also know as the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act, is the requirement for local eligible recipients to conduct a comprehensive local needs assessment and update it every two years.
The needs assessment is designed as the foundation of Perkins V implementation at the local level—it drives the local funding application development and future spending decisions. The goal of this process is to take an in-depth look at the entire local CTE system and identify areas where targeted improvements can lead to increased opportunities for student success. The needs assessment, if implemented thoughtfully, is also a powerful opportunity to engage stakeholders in a common understanding and vision for the future of CTE in the community.
To implement the local needs assessment, CTE leaders must evaluate, in consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, how the overall CTE offerings measure up on the following indicators:
- Performance on federal accountability indicators
- Alignment to labor market needs
- Size, scope, and quality of programs offered
- Progress toward implementing Career Pathway Programs of Study
- Recruitment, retention and training of faculty and staff
- Progress toward improving access and equity