7th Grade Boys Basketball
"We Play As A Pack"If you are interested in trying out for the 7th grade boys basketball team or coming to any open gyms before the season starts, you MUST have both a completed current physical and Winkler Athletic packet.You will not be allowed to participate in an open gym or try out if you do not have the packet and physical completed. Forms for both of these can be found in the front office. Once completed, you can turn these into the gray box in the front office or the gray box outside Ms. Leslie's training room.
- Please listen to the morning announcements between now and Christmas break for open gym practice days and times. These are not required, but encouraged.
Tryouts will be held on:
~January 2nd (4:15-6)
~January 3rd (4:15-6)
~January 4th (4:15-6)
All Tryouts and Practices are closed to the public
You must be present all 3 days and have your physical and athletic packet completed BEFORE the first day of tryouts. The team roster will be finalized after tryouts on the 4th.
Parent night- TBA (At least 1 parent must attend)
See attachments below for the season's practice and game schedule.
Contact me with any questions or concerns at derek.guotana@cabarrus.k12.nc.us
Coach Guotana