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Gomiz, Megan
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Cabarrus County Library Catalog
If you don't find the book you are looking for at our school library, you can also check out the Cabarrus County Library system. When you find a book you like, you can then pick it up at an library location (if you have questions, please ask me!). If for some reason you can't pick it up, let me know and I will get it for you! -
C.C. Griffin School Library Catalog
So you have found the book you want to what? First check our school library catalog, Destiny. If we don't have your book at school then you can check the Cabarrus County Public Library System's catalog (see other links) to see if any local libraries have your book!
Booksource: Leveled Reading Collections
Want to look for nonfiction on your level? Check out Booksource's Leveled Reading Collections! Find your level, then you can choose from fiction or nonfiction. Both genres have a list of best sellers in addition to other specific collections!
Scholastic Book Wizard
Are you looking for books on your level? Check out the Scholastic Book Wizard! Just be sure to click "Guided Reading Level (A-Z)" when searching.
Last Modified on August 22, 2019