Phone: 704-260-6390


Degrees and Certifications:

BA in Elementary Education

Miss Nicole Titley

Hello Wolf Meadow families! I am so excited to work with you children!! I have been working at Wolf Meadow since 2013. This is my 10th year of teaching. This is my first year in Kindergarten. I have been a tutor, a Science Lab teacher, a STEAM teacher, and an Art and Engineering teacher here at Wolf Meadow. I love our school! When I'm not teaching, I work at a local cheerleading gym called IMPACT 1 Allstars. I love to read, cook, and hang out with my friends and family!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions and concerns. You can write a note in your child's agenda, email, text or leave a voicemail message.  My Google Voice number will be on the front of your child's folder. This is a great way to contact me. I check email regularly, but may not be able to check this during the student day.  Also, if you leave a voicemail, I will respond as soon as I can.  
Daily Schedule:
7:00-7:30 Arrival/Breakfast
7:30-7:40 Morning Meeting
7:40-8:40 Reading/Reading Centers
8:40-8:55 Structured Play
9:00-9:35 Reading
9:35-10:25 Encore
10:30-11:00 Lunch
11:10-12:15 Math
12:15-12:35 Recess
12:35-1:10 PAW Time
1:10-1:55 Writing
1:55-2:05 Dismissal