

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Tellez

Dear parents and school community: 

My name is Leidy Tellez. I am from Colombia, a country with beautiful lanscapes, coffee aroma and nice people!

This is my 10th year as a teacher and my 4th year in Wolf Meadow. Back in my country I taught Pre-K to 1st grade in one of the best schools of our region, it is a beautiful place surrounded by nature, just like WMES.

I am excited be part of your kids learning process. Besides teaching the language foundations, I want my second grades to learn about all possibilities they have to know the world by speaking a second language. For some of them, this is their second year in dual immersion and they will learn by interecting with people form other cultures that love is an universal language! 

During this aventure do not hesitate to contact me about any question. School and family, we make a team!
