Phone: 704-260-6390


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Charmain Jones

I have 20+ years of working with and teaching children. My experience with children goes well beyond the classroom.  I have an Associates Degree in Early Childhood Development and a Bachelor's Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus on Early Childhood Development.  I count it a privilege to be a part of a child's educational journey as they discover, grow, and master developmental milestones.





Contact Me

To get in touch with me, please do one of the following:

-Email me at

-Call the school and leave a message for me. 




     Daily Schedule

    7:00-7:30 Arrival/Breakfast

    7:30-7:40 Morning Meeting 

    7:40-8:15 Letterland (Phonics instruction)

    8:15-8:35 Reading Small Groups

    8:35-9:15 PAW Time

    9:15-10:00 Read Aloud and Heggerty(Phonics Instruction)

    10:00-10:30 Recess

    10:30-10:56 Mental Math and Math Launch

    10:57-11:26 Lunch

    11:26-12:35 Math Continued

    12:35-1:05 Writing/Science

    1:05-1:55 ENCORE (specials)

    Specials Schedule:

    Monday - PE (NO FLIP FLOPS. Please send your child in athletic shoes)

    Tuesday- Art and Engineering

    Wednesday- Digital Kids / Media (this alternates each week so after receiving the first library books, please send them back every other week.)

    Thursday- Music

    Friday- Culture/Spanish

    1:55-2:15 Dismissal


    Join us on Class Dojo to track your child's behavior during the day!