Phone: 704-260-6390


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Garzón


Hello dear parents and community, my name is Natalia Garzón and I am from Bogotá, Colombia, an amazing country full of beautiful places to go, a delicious coffee, exotic birds and animals, a huge variety of flora and the happiest people in the world!

This year I have the privilege to work at Wolf Meadow Elementary School for fifth time in kindergarten !.

I have been learning a lot from everyone, especially from children. I am really happy about being part of the WMES family. Every day I go back home full of new adventures and experiences to talk about. It is also amazing the way my little amigos (the way I call them) are learning and growing a second language that fast.

About my previous experience in Colombia, I worked for different schools. My last job was in one of the best schools in Colombia (a place that I love so much). There I worked for 6 years. Previously, I worked in elementary school for about 4 years and I can say that being a teacher was my best desition ever. I am a teacher for conviction and I love being part of this. I know that teachers can help children to grow in different aspects and we can contribute in some way to making this world a better place. 
