Phone: (704) 260-6390 Google Voice #: 980-277-4044


Degrees and Certifications:

BS in Elementary Education from Appalachian State University.

Mrs. Keidel

Welcome to First Grade! I'm excited about all the fun things we are going to do together this year.  We are going to learn a lot this year.

Here is a little about me: I graduated from Appalachian State University.  This is my 17th year at Wolf Meadow.  I love teaching here.  My favorite colors are blue and green. In my spare time I love reading and playing with my daughter and husband.

School Rules

  • 1. Follow Directions

    2. Think Safety
    3. Move Quietly
    4. Show Respect (No Bullying)
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Classroom Schedule

  •  Daily Schedule

    7:00-7:30 Arrival/Breakfast

    7:30-7:40 Positivity Project(P2)

    7:40-7:50 Heggerty (Phonics instruction)

    7:50-8:25 Letterland (Phonics instruction)

    8:25-8:35 Read Aloud with Accountable Talk

    8:35-9:15 PAW Time

    9:15-10:00 Reading Small Groups

    10:00-10:30 Writing

    10:30-10:50 Mental Math and Math Launch

    10:52-11:22 Lunch

    11:22-12:35 Math Continued

    12:35-1:05 Recess

    1:05-1:55 ENCORE (specials)-Students will be divided into the other 1st grade classrooms for Specials.

    2:05-2:15 Dismissal

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  • The only homework your student will ever have will be read 20 minutes. 

Last Modified on August 25, 2022