• welcome



Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Joy Williams

Welcome to Winkler!  I am excited about all the fun and wonderful things we will learn this year. 
Here is a little bit about me.  I have a B.S. Degree in Education from Appalachian State University.  I earned my Master's Degree in Literacy from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.  I also attained my National Board Certification in Literacy.  
On a personal note: I love to read every chance I get.  I shop on Amazon often.  I'm not a coffee drinker, but love BoJangle's chicken biscuits.  My favorite color is purple and I love to travel to the mountains any time I can.
This year I will teach two 6th Grade Math classes and two 6th Grade Science classes.


    supply list 


  •  .

    8:40 – 9:00     Homeroom

    9:00 – 9:25       Pack Time

    9:25 – 10:29     1st period

    10:32 - 11:34      2nd period

    11:37 – 1:12        3rd period

    11:45 – 12:10  Lunch  

    1:15 – 2:19         4th period

    2:24 – 3:09       5th period – ENCORE

    3:13 – 3:58        6th period – ENCORE

Contact Information

Last Modified on August 24, 2022