

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Isaac Brewer



My name is Isaac Brewer, and I am excited to be the new Band Director here at Winkler. My primary instrument is the trombone; however, I enjoy playing all the instruments we have in band. I also enjoy playing guitar and bass! This will be my third year as a Middle School Band Director. I believe that undertaking a musical journey through band provides relevant skills inside and outside the classroom, as well as memories to cherish for a lifetime! 


In band you can look forward to concerts, trips, and extracurricular performance opportunities like All-County and All-District Bands. (Also, the fact that the literal point of band is to learn and create music is just super cool). In my classroom, the expectation stands that every student, teacher, musician, and human being will work together to create a safe and nurturing environment to foster musical growth. When personal growth through music is achieved, group performances will excel to the highest standards. My goal is to have each student leave my classroom prepared for a lifelong journey with music. This might take form in the continuation of band class in high school or even into college, participation in community bands, church music or other related musical performance activities. I hope to never hear the words: “I used to play (insert instrument here) in middle school” or “I wish I had stuck with music” ever again. We are all capable of enriching our lives with music! 


Some of my favorite musicians/groups include: Rush, King Crimson, Yes, Tosin Abasi, Wycliffe Gordon, Miles Davis, Maynard Ferguson and many more!