Phone: 704-260-6450


Degrees and Certifications:

Masters of Arts in Teaching Foreign Language (k-12) Spanish Teaching certification. Bachelors of Arts in Communications Journalism. Associates in Public Relations. Sociedad Hispánica Amistad Chapter Tertulia

Mrs. Susy Toth




My name is Susy Toth, and this will be my second year as a Spanish teacher. I am so happy to call Winkler middle school my home.

I graduate with my teaching certificate from UNCC in May 2021, and also with my MAT (masters in the art of teaching) in December 2021.

I am originally from a small and beautiful South American country, called Ecuador.

 I have been living in the States for the past 20 years. In 14 of those, I have lived in North Carolina.

I live with my husband Richard, our 2 teenage sons (RJ 19 and Mathew 18), and our three doggies (Ruby, Cocoa, and Fido).

 I love spending time with my children and my students.  Autumn mornings are my favorite, while enjoying a fresh cup of coffee.

I like learning about cultures and languages, everything like Harry Potter, music and food.

Please see the appropriate grade page, to check what we are working on every week. 

You can also find all the class info and what we are working on weekly on my canvas page.



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