

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Jones


Twenty-six years ago, I began teaching ELA in Charlotte, North Carolina. My husband and I have three adult kids, a sweet 5-month-old grandaughter, and a very spoiled nine year old golden doodle. I am a homebody who enjoys reading, ALL things music, and relaxing in my backyard. Recently, I have joined the world of classical stretch (aka essentrics). In addition to teaching, I love volunteering in the community and spending time with family/friends. People would never guess that I am a fierce competitor who is a fan of college basketball, swimming competitions, and track/field events. If I have to leave the house for any stretch of time, it's usually for some relaxation and fun at one of my favorite peaceful South Atlantic islands.

Reading with understanding is an essential skill to being astute in an array of topics that affect our daily lives. Therefore, inspiring kids and adults to enjoy reading is my passion.


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