Phone: 919-867-5323


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S Elementary Education, North Carolina State University

Ms. Smith

Hello! My name is Ms. Smith. I graduated from NC State University with a STEM Concentration in Elementary Education. This is my second year teaching at Wolf Meadow, and I am so excited to teach 5th-grade math and science! We are going to have so much fun this year, and I cannot wait to meet your child! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Below you will find my email and my Google voice number. 


Our Daily Schedule

Time         Teaching

7:00-7:30       Arrival

7:30-7:40       Morning Meeting

7:40-9:20       Block 1

9:20-10:00     PAW Time

10:00-10:45   Block 2

10:45-11:35   Encore

11:35-12:00   Recess

12:05-12:30   Lunch

12:30-1:55     Block 2

1:55-2:00       Pack up/Dismissal