• Why does BISD need a Technology Levy?

    Posted by:

    BISD’s technology funding is primarily provided by the Bainbridge Island community. Like other WA state school districts, BISD receives no dedicated state funding for technology hardware, software, or services/support.

    Student access to technology is imperative. Future employers and higher-ed institutions expect students to have technology skills and experience. Technology expertise is no longer reserved for engineers or scientists, technology skills are important to compete in today’s job market.

    BISD’s ability to respond to COVID-19 would have been extremely difficult without the Tech Levy, from 1:1 student devices to funds for technology staff training, etc.

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  • What does the Technology Levy support?

    Posted by:

    Technology and the Tech Levy impacts almost every aspect of BISD’s Teaching & Learning:
    - Provides student devices (1:1 ratio in grades 3-12) and services for device management
    - Provides interactive presentation spaces in the classroom (computer, projection/touch flat panel display, voice amplification, etc.)
    - Supplies software & services in support for school libraries (Destiny, e-books) and distance learning tools (Screencastify, Kami Pro)
    - Provides assistive technologies for students’ with special needs

    The Tech Levy also helps BISD’s productivity, communication & infrastructure such as:

    - Software & services for productivity & communication (MS Office, Adobe, Remind, remote Windows access, etc.)
    - Internet service, networking systems and related services for cyber-safety and cyber-security
    - Technology for core school operations (computers, printers, phones, etc.)
    - Technology Professional Development
    - 65% of district technology staff (payroll)

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  • What amount are you requesting?

    Posted by:

    The Annual Tech Levy capacity has been flat at $2.2 million per year since 2014
    BISD is proposing an increase of $300,000 per year (for a total of $2.5 million) to pay for:

    - The increasing cost of goods and services
    - Staff wage and benefit increases
    - Funding of one position to focus on Instructional Technology needs in the district

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  • What are the proposed tax rates for the Technology Levy?

    Posted by:

    2022: $0.26 per $1,000 assessed value
    2023: $0.26 per $1,000 assessed value
    2024: $0.25 per $1,000 assessed value

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  • What is the ballot language for the Technology Levy?

    Posted by:


    The Board of Directors of Bainbridge Island School District No. 303 approved Resolution No. 04-20-21, concerning a replacement technology levy to enhance student learning. This proposition would authorize the District to modernize school facilities by acquiring, installing and improving computer technology, telecommunications and networking systems, and related equipment and facilities, and levy the following excess taxes, to replace an expiring levy, on all taxable property within the District, as provided in Resolution No. 04-20-21:


    Collection Years               Approx. Levy Rate per $1,000 AV                   Levy Amount

    2022                                                        $0.26                                         $2,500,000
    2023                                                        $0.26                                         $2,500,000 
    2024                                                        $0.25                                         $2,500,000

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  • What would happen if the Technology Levy isn’t approved?

    Posted by:

    Without the specifically directed funds from a technology levy, BISD would be forced to draw on funds from the General Fund (which pays for teachers, support staff, curriculum, transportation, supplies, etc.) to help cover technology expenses. This would inevitably lead to district-wide cuts.

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