• At-Home Learning Resources

    There are many high-quality and engaging learning resources for your child to enjoy when away from the classroom. Some are traditional activities and some are online. While away from school and the classroom, enjoy traditional favorites and online learning resources like the ones we have included on these webpages.

    All resources on this site are offered as suggestions to help students and their families learn when away from the classroom and school. 

    Traditional Favorites

    Learning activities that are fun for the whole family!

    • read a book aloud for the whole family
    • build something with blocks, Legos, wood, clay and other materials
    • play board games such as checkers, chess, Monopoly, Scrabble, Risk, cribbage and your childhood favorites
    • start a garden
    • listen to music
    • build a fort inside your house, or outside, with materials you have on hand
    • play paper & pencil games like Dots and Boxes, Hex, Tic-Tac-Toe, etc.
    • begin, or rekindle, hobbies like drawing, knitting, baking, singing, or playing an instrument
    • play outside, explore hiking trails, go biking, build in the sand, mud or dirt
    • play cards games like Go Fish, Hearts, Bridge and your childhood favorites
    • start a journal
    • plan and cook a meal together
    • find songs that encourage or involve movement
    • create collages, sculptures and other 3-d art
    • help your child develop expertise in something he/she/they are passionate about


    Before Your Child Works Online

    Before your child works with online resources, review safe and responsible behaviors and expectations with your child to develop a shared understanding for Internet use. 

    Resource web sites such as the three noted below provide guidance for parents about children's use of technology, media and the Internet. Additional excellent Internet Safety resources are on the BISD Internet Safety & Digital Citizenship webpage: https://www.bisd303.org/Page/977.

    There are specific laws regarding Internet-based resources for children such as COPPA and FERPA. Many web sites for children have free access with no need for an account or personal information. Before your child begins working on any website, check on the website provider's safeguards such as:

    1. Does the site have free resources or does it require an account and login?
    2. Does the site collect personally identifiable information (PII)? If yes, how do they use PII?
    3. Does the entity/company clearly explain its privacy policy, especially as it relates to children.
    4. Does the entity/company clearly explain what data it collects and how data is used?
    5. Does the site state that it is COPPA and FERPA compliant?

    In the left margin, you will find online resources to motivate and engage your child in learning away from the classroom. BISD #303 has listed these sites as optional online resources. Content and information on the Internet changes frequently so please preview the site before your child begins working on it to be sure it meets your purposes. 


Last Modified on April 3, 2020