Sexual Harassment

  • Bainbridge Island School District follows state law and has policies and procedures in place that address the prohibition of sexual harassment.

    Policy 3700 Prohibition Against Sexual Harassment: For purposes of this policy, sexual harassment means unwelcome conduct or communication of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment can occur adult to student, student to student or can be carried out by a group of students or adults and will be investigated by the district even if the alleged harasser is not a part of the school staff or student body. The district prohibits sexual harassment of students by other students, employees or third parties involved in school district activities.

    If you have questions, concerns or complaints about sexual harassment, please contact the school principal, or you may contact the Bainbridge Island School District’s Title IX Officer,  Amii Thompson at (206) 780-1067 or

    For a description of the sexual harassment complaint and remedy process, please refer to Procedure 3700 Prohibition Against Sexual Harassment. 

    Anyone may use informal procedures to report and resolve complaints of sexual harassment.  Informal reports may be made to any staff member.  Staff will always notify complainants of their right to file a formal complaint and the process.  Staff will also direct potential complainants to the Title IX Officer.

     Click here to view a BISD resource guide. Any formal complaints regarding sexual harassment may be submitted through this form  or by mail, e-mail, phone, or in-person to:

    Amii Thompson
    8489 Madison Avenue NE, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110