Health Services

  • Health Services

    • Credentialed, California School Registered Nurses
    • Health Assistants
    • Specialized physical health care procedures
    • Case management for students with chronic health conditions
    • Referrals to community agencies for health care, dental, eyeglasses
    • Referrals to immunization clinics in the local area
    • Daily clinic from 7:30am - 8:30am (clearance to return to school)
    • Daily Screening for vision, color vision, and hearing
    • Emergency on-call nurse available during all school days
  • Health Services Clinic

    A nurse is available to identify health problems and provide clearance for students returning to school following contagious conditions such as head lice, pink eye, rashes, and chickenpox. Parents may call Monday thru Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. with questions concerning health problems relating to school-age children.


    Our office is located at:
    6411 Mitchell Avenue, Riverside, CA 92505

     For more information, please contact us at (951) 509-5033



Contact Health Services

  • Office Hours

    Monday - Friday
    7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


    Phone: (951) 509-5033
    FAX: (951) 509-6026


    Visit Us

    Health Services 
    6411 Mitchell Ave.
    Riverside, CA 92505

Last Modified on June 2, 2023