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Schedule Change Requests

Please follow the guidelines below for Schedule Change requests. You can also refer to page 8 of the SCHS course catalog for more information about schedule change requests.

Students must complete the Schedule Change Request google form (opens mid-August) Note that you access the form by logging-in with your cusd email address.

*Academic schedule change requests and conflicts take priority over all other requests. A request to change an elective will only be granted based on availability.

*Students that need a schedule change because of completion of a summer course, must submit an official transcript to the SCHS Registrar, Mrs. Ruby at for a change request to be considered. 

Examples of acceptable changes:

1. Level change: e.g. you have Spanish 1A on your schedule, but you need to be in Spanish 1B.

2. Open Period "Hole": less than five classes in one trimester.

3. Incorrect class: incorrect class, e.g. you requested ASL but received Spanish.

Examples of unacceptable changes:

1. We cannot accept requests for a specific teacher, trimester, or period.

2. Required grade level courses will not be dropped.

3. AP courses cannot be dropped without teacher, dept. chair, administrative and parental consent.

Adding/dropping a class: 

Students can request a schedule change within the first 13 days of each trimester, with the exception of the 3rd trimester. Students should plan accordingly and submit all schedule change requests for 3rd trimester during the 2nd trimester change period or earlier. Refer to the change periods below:

Trimester 1: September 9th, 2022

Trimester 2: December 14th, 2022

Trimester 3: No schedule changes accepted