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Mission / Vision / Core Values


The Sage Creek Team* exists to intentionally create an interconnected learning community that prepares students to thrive as responsible citizens in an ever-changing world.  


* The Sage Creek Team includes students, parents, staff, and teachers.


The Sage Creek Team is committed to innovation, academic rigor, and application.  The Team strives for excellence in preparing students for college and career success.  The Sage Creek experience challenges its members to "dare to be great".


                               B.E.S.T.   C2.A.T.S.


Be your “B.E.S.T.”                Critical Thinkers who Communicate Effectively

Establish Community           Adaptable

Show Respect                      Technologically Agile

Take Responsibility              Scholars who are College and Career Ready

Operating Principles

  • We are intentional and organized in all that we do.
  • We embrace creativity, innovation, and the pioneering spirit.
  • We engage in ongoing growth in order to evolve as life-long learners.
  • We create community to promote a sense of belonging for all.
  • We collaborate as a team with high levels of trust to reach defined outcomes.
  • We clearly state our expectations and consistently model and follow through with them.
  • We seek and carry out opportunities for interdisciplinary connections.
  • We own our actions and accept responsibility for their outcomes.