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Putnam County R-I Schools

Elementary School


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Kindergarten News!

Dear Parents:

Wow!  Where did September go?!!  I cannot believe how quickly this year is already flying by! Christmas is only about 12 weeks away—YIKES!! 

Parent-Teacher Conferences:

  • Thank you to all the parents who were prompt in returning the yellow-colored paper requesting a conference time or for contacting me about conference times.  If you have not returned the yellow paper or was late returning it last week, I gave you a time that was left. The times are scheduled on a first come, first serve basis.  I hope it works for all of you.  

  • In your child’s Friday folder was a purple form with a parent-teacher conference time for October 17. Please complete the bottom portion of this form (if you haven't already) and return with your child as soon as possible. That way, if changes/revisions need to be made, we still have time to do so.

  • In addition, it is also important to remember that each conference will only last 15 minutes; therefore, please try to arrive and exit on time so we may keep on schedule. I certainly want everyone to have their fair share of time to discuss their child’s progress and any concerns you may have. I look forward to seeing you then!   šŸ˜Š

Communication Arts:  We continued learning/reviewing the rest of the alphabet (letters Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy and Zz), talked about the significance of noting important details in stories, and practiced drawing conclusions/making inferences.  We also continued learning about concepts of print and practiced telling stories in our own words. Finally, we discussed how things are alike and different in our stories as well as listened to and identified the beginning sounds in words.

Math: We worked on math practices and problem-solving to construct arguments, reviewed vocabulary and numbers 0-5.  We also completed Topic 1 Assessment. We completed portions of the assessment in class together this time so that students will know what to expect on other assessments. We began Topic 2 on Monday, Oct. 8!

Reminders/Upcoming Dates:

  • End of first quarter:  Friday, Oct. 12--Grade cards will be handed out at parent-teacher conferences.

  • 12:45 early-out day:  Wednesday, Oct. 17 for parent/teacher conferences

  • Oct. 17--Parent/teacher conferences--See above for more information.

  • No School: Oct. 18 and 19

  • Picture Day:  Oct. 24--More information to come closer to that day.

  • Next Character Ed. assembly:  Friday, Oct. 26 at 8:30 a.m. in the elementary gym

  • Fall parties: Wednesday, Oct. 31 from 2:00 – 2:45 p.m. (more details will be provided closer to that time).  Please make sure you have a current background check completed if you plan to attend (must be done annually).

  • October Book-It reading forms are due back by Wednesday, October 31.

  • Next PTO meeting will be Thursday, Nov. 1 at 4:30 in the elementary library.

**Extra Note: Please send jackets/coats and something to cover their head with your students every day!  It is often too cool in the morning to be out at recess without them!  All students are expected to go outside for recess. We only stay indoors if the temperature or wind chill is 10 degrees or below or if it is raining.  Thanks so much for your help!


Mrs. Sara Ingersoll