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Putnam County R-I Schools

Elementary School


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Kindergarten News

We survived another wintry week!  It has been more difficult for the students to remain focused and on task this past week, and they have been restless and a lot more talkative.  Since it has been so cold, we have not been able to go outside for recess to release some of our energy, so I think this partly contributes to the behaviors.  Also, we have yet to experience a “normal” week after coming back from Christmas break!  However, please remind your child of expected behavior at school.

Communication Arts:
We finished weeks 2 and 3 of Theme 6, “Sunshine and Raindrops.”  We continued practicing blending and segmenting phonemes (individual sounds) to make words, and we reviewed and built sentences with our high-frequency words.  In addition, we met a new alphafriend, Queenie Queen, for the letter Qq, and we reviewed the letters Kk, Ll, and Hh.  We also reviewed summarizing and determining the plot as well as practiced evaluating and differentiating between realism and fantasy in stories that we read.  Furthermore, we continued discussion about using action words and worked on blending short i and short a words.  Finally, we have also been recording the daily weather on a graph, comparing the day-to-day temperatures, and discussing the seasons.

We practiced ordering objects by length, measuring length using nonstandard units (linking cubes), and handwriting numbers 1 – 20.  We also made ABC patterns using pattern blocks.  Lastly, we learned to identify nickels, how to count by 5’s, and practiced counting nickels to 25 cents.

Reminders/Upcoming Dates:
* Donuts for Dads:  Rescheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 26th from 7:00 – 7:45 a.m.

* Snow make-up days/school will be in session:  Feb. 22nd & April 26th

* Character Education assembly:  Friday, Jan. 28th at 8:30 a.m. in the elementary gym 

* January Book-It reading logs are due Monday, Jan. 31st.

* Elementary Book Fair:  Feb. 28th – Mar. 4th.  More information will be provided at a later date.


Mrs. Sara Ingersoll