Parent and Community Services

Crowd in the Standsfather and daughtermother and soncommunity and parent service award

Welcome Pasadena ISD families and community members! We are committed to connecting you to the resources and information you need to help your child be successful.

Browse through the links to find out about upcoming events, gain access to educational resources for adults and participate in meeetings that impact your child.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of children in Pasadena.


To better serve our families, we are asking for parents to share their opinions in a parent engagement survey. Parents are asked to complete a separate survey for each campus where you have children enrolled in Pasadena ISD.

Responses are anonymous.
Thank you for your participation and support of Pasadena ISD.

In English


Para servir mejor a nuestras familias, estamos pidiendo a los padres que compartan su opinión en una encuesta de participación de los padres. Los padres deben completar una encuesta por cada escuela donde tenga estudiantes inscritos/matriculados en Pasadena ISD.

Las respuestas son anónimas.
Gracias por su participación y apoyo a Pasadena ISD

En Español