Notary Public

Texas Notary Public Commission

 The District will no longer pay to have a notary at a campus unless there is a school related need.  It is the understanding of the Business Office that student related forms no longer need to be notarized.  A campus is not allowed to pay for a notary from campus funds if the notary is for personal use only.
If you feel that your campus needs a notary, please contact Valerie Lopez x70023.


To hold the office of Notary Public  an applicant must be at least 18 years of age and a legal resident of the State of Texas and must not have been convicted of a felony or crime involving moral turpitude.  A social security number is mandatory and must be disclosed on the application. 


An application form is available upon request from the Business office.  The name used on the application can be the full legal name or any variation thereof.  There is not a statutory requirement that you use your full legal name.  However, when signing as a Notary Public, you may use only the name under which you qualified.  On the front side of the application all questions and must be answered.  Three signatures are required to complete the application and to secure a surety bond.  The form should be mailed to Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management and their office will secure the bond and pay the filing fee on behalf of the district.

Costs To Be a Texas Notary Public

The Secretary of State fee of $21.00 and the $50.00 premium payable to the insurance company (Arthur J. Gallagher) to purchase a $10,000 surety bond is paid for by the district.  This invoice is paid by the Business office.  Once, our insurance company receives payment from our office, we will then turn around and process a Journal Entry for reimbursement from your campus/department. You will need to have an object code of 6427 set up.


The cost of purchasing a personalized notary seal and record book are paid for by the campus/department budget.  Notary supplies may be ordered from any office supply vendor.  The campus petty cash checking account can be used for this expenditure.

Training Sessions

Training sessions are not mandatory for becoming a Notary; however, information can be found on the Texas Notary Public web site

Expiration of Commission

A commission is usually for a four year term.  In order to continue your commission an application form must be submitted to the Secretary of State.  The process and the application form is the same as applying for the original commission.  If and when the time arises that an individual decides to no longer renew their commission, the record book should be turned into the County Clerk's office in which the notary public resides.  The notary stamp or seal should be destroyed.