Exiting Employee Information

The Exiting Employee Information has been assembled for those who are concluding employment with the school district. The exit information provides exiting employees with information regarding resignation procedures, final pay, benefits, and other important information.

Exiting Employee Information Guide (PDF)

Complete the Exit Interview Survey

Your opinion about your experience with Pasadena SD is important to us! You are invited to complete the Exit Survey, submitting your feedback via the internet link provided to you below. Information obtained during the Exit Survey is used to determine how Pasadena ISD can better serve ALL employees. Your input will remain anonymous. 
Complete survey by clicking on link either English or Spanish.

Exit Survey (English)        Exit Survey (español)

Elect Cobra Continuation Coverage

If you need to extend your benefits coverage, you have sixty (60) days after your benefits expire to elect Cobra Continuation Coverage. You will receive two notices in the mail from the District’s Cobra Administrators.

First Financial Administrators, Inc.
1-800-823-8422, Option 4
MedicalDental & Vision

Exiting employees are reminded of the obligations under the Educators’ Code of Ethics located in Policy DH(Exhibit)

Under the Code of Ethics individuals, even after termination of employment, are required to maintain confidentiality of student information. Former employees also have an obligation to refrain from using or disclosing any such information other than for the benefit of the students.

We’ve made every attempt to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in the Exiting Employee Information Guide. However, if there is any discrepancy between the benefit descriptions and the insurance contracts or other legal documents, the legal documents will always govern.

Retrieve Resources and Reports

Save resources and reports you may want and/or need for your records from OneDrive, Google, SafeSchools, Eduphoria and Outlook. 
Exiting Employees To-Do List 

Exiting Employee Information Guide
Employee Records Request Form
Exiting Employees To-Do List 
Contract Release Information and Request Form
Exit Report
Sample Resignation Letter
Frontline Service Center Access (Seperated Employees)