Schedule change request form - The deadline for changes will be January 19, 2024 at 4 p.m.
Formulario para cambiar de clase- Click here!
Dropping an Honors/Advanced course - Advanced drops are only available from the 4th-6th week of the first semester or the first 2 weeks of the second semester._________________________________________________________________________________
2023-2024 Freshman Course Registration Presentation
2023-2024 Sophomore Registration Presentation
2023-2024 Junior Registration Presentation
2023-2024 Senior Registration Presentation
Charge for College Courses (Dual Credit, AP Testing, On-Ramps)
Request to Drop an AP/Honors/On-Ramps Course -
This form will be open from September 9-September 29, 2022
Weekly Tutorial times by course:
Benefits to Graduate with Endorsements and The Distinguished Level of Achievement
2023-2024 MFHS Endorsement/Programs of Study Sheet
Endorsement-Program of Study Descriptions
- Accounting & Financial Services
- Advanced Manufacturing Machinery Mechanics
- Animal Science
- Applied Agricultural Engineering
- Carpentry
- Design-Multimedia-Arts Graphic Design
- Design-Multimedia-Arts Photography-Yearbook Focus
- Digital Communications
- Engineering
- Entrepreneurship
- Healthcare Therapeutic
- Lodging and Resort Management
- Marketing - Sales
- Plant Science
- Teaching and Training