Fairport Central School District

As of the morning of Wednesday, June 7, an Air Quality Health Advisory is still in effect for the Monroe County Area.

The DEC, Department of Health and our school physician recommend limiting or reducing outdoor activities for teens and young children when a Health Advisory is in effect. Particulates can exacerbate existing respiratory difficulties and can also lead to symptoms such as:

  • irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat
  • coughing, sneezing, runny nose
  • shortness of breath

As of Wednesday morning, much of our area is under a “Red” level of air quality – this is expected to fluctuate throughout the day. The District will restrict outdoor activities. These instructions were shared with staff this morning:

  • Recess & Physical Education classes will remain inside today. Please monitor your students’ activity levels.
  • Phys Ed Instructors: please limit strenuous activities in your classes even while indoors
  • All outdoor field trips will be canceled
  • If you are aware of students with existing respiratory concerns described above, please bring them inside and alert the building health office.
  • Keep all outside doors and windows closed to minimize air particles from flowing indoors

We will continue to monitor all communications and updates provided by state and local health experts (NYS DOH, MCDOH and our District Physician) and will adjust activities accordingly. 

Please note: the FCSD Athletic Director will reach out to all sports teams still competing or practicing this afternoon.

Brett Provenzano

Superintendent of Schools