Fairport Central School District

The Fairport Board of Education (BOE) unanimously voted to approve a resolution that authorizes and directs the consolidation of Minerva DeLand into Fairport High School starting with the 2026-2027 school year. Students in fifth grade in 2023 will be the first to move directly to Fairport High School, while students in sixth grade in 2023 will be the final class of ninth-graders to attend Minerva DeLand.

Click here to view the resolution approved by the Board of Education.

A combined Fairport High School housing grades 9 through 12 will maximize relationships and connections with staff and peers over four years, reduce the number of school transitions over a Fairport student’s career in the District, and increase access to Fairport’s extraordinary programming and extracurricular activities. We also believe that in a four-year building, our staff will be able to better align curriculum and provide more unified support and intervention to our students during their high school career.

Fairport for the Future

The BOE also accepted Superintendent Provenzano’s recommendation of a Capital Improvement Project. The recommended plan will have no tax impact to residents and is aligned with the BOE priorities of:

  1. Supporting the merger of Minerva DeLand and FHS
  2. Minimizing the tax impact on community members
  3. Modernizing FHS’s learning environments
  4. Consolidating District properties

The Fairport for the Future plan was developed with stakeholder input, along with building condition survey data and responses to the Fairport Forward 2022 exit poll. Fairport for the Future requires:

  • Construction work at Fairport High School to address needs for space and modernization for a comfortable student- and staff-centered merger of the ninth grade class to Fairport High School 

The logistical benefits of Fairport for the Future also addresses staff needs at Fairport High School – including a process for collaboration on design and implementation of workroom spaces, increased parking and modernized classroom and technology spaces. 

A successful transition cannot happen in a vacuum. The District is dedicated to opening the conversation to staff, community and students to share their thoughts on the merger process. Over the next months and within the framework of our key priorities, the District will create stakeholder groups to address and develop strategies for supportive transition plans for students and staff. Maintaining class sizes within the current parameters and continuing to determine staffing by the annual scheduling process remain District priorities.

The BOE is committed to the maintenance and modernization of our learning environments. Phase II of Fairport for the Future will feature renovations and facilities planning work at elementary and middle schools. Phase II will be developed over the coming years with collaboration and input from community members and is completely separate from Phase I of Fairport for the Future.