Fairport Central School District

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Dear Fairport and Perinton Neighbors, 

As you plan your week, please remember to join us on December 13 between 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. in the gymnasium at Johanna Perrin Middle School, 85 Potter Place, to cast your vote on the proposed Fairport Forward 2022 Capital Improvement Project.

Thank you to every member of the Fairport and Perinton communities who has engaged with the District in the past several months as part of the Capital Improvement Project process. Whether you participated in our ThoughtExchange or other surveys, or attended/streamed a public information session, or called into our offices with questions – your voice has been vital to this process.

The themes of Fairport Forward 2022 are reflected in these goals:

  • Staging Fairport High School for a successful merger of our ninth grade students into FHS by renovating existing facilities and creating flexible, modern learning and exploration spaces
  • Consolidating District buildings by planning out the migration of Administrative offices into the Minerva DeLand building after students have moved to FHS, then selling Baumer Place and eventually District Office
  • Protecting your investment in our facilities by updating infrastructure in all of our schools

Your vote on Fairport Forward 2022 Phase II on December 13 is the next step in our Facilities Planning process as we look ahead to the future of our Fairport schools.

I look forward to seeing you at the polls at Johanna Perrin on Tuesday, December 13!


Brett Provenzano

Superintendent of Schools