Fairport Central School District

Students from Fairport’s four elementary schools walked through the sunshine and falling leaves on October 21 for Golisano Children’s Hospital. The Annual Fall Crawl tradition raises awareness and funds to make sure children and families get the care they need. 

Brooks Hill, Dudley, Jefferson Avenue and Northside school students gathered a collective $9,086.21. To raise funds, donations were collected at each of the four schools along with online donations and “Make A Difference” t-shirt sales. CrazyDog, the t-shirt manufacturer and partner in the event, donates 100% of the money raised by the t-shirt sales to Golisano Children’s Hospital (GCH).

During Fall Crawl, students took to the fields, playgrounds and sidewalks around their schools to show their Fairport spirit! Some made signs with encouraging and supportive words for patients and families who have received care at Golisano Children’s Hospital!

The Fall Crawl began at Dudley and Northside Schools nearly a decade ago, and over the past nine years the annual event has raised more than $64,000 for GCH.

We are so proud of our students and their spirit of C.A.R.E.!