Fairport Central School District

Library Award

Every student and staff member at Johanna Perrin Middle School (JP) knows that the JP library is a magical place; now, everyone in the Rochester region knows it too. The JP library was named “School Library of the Year” by the Rochester Regional Library Council (RRLC).

The library was nominated for the “School Library of the Year” distinction by JP staff members and students. The library will be honored later this month in a virtual ceremony. In the award announcement, the RRLC shared one of the nominations sent in by a JP student:

“I love the Johanna Perrin library! I have reasons! Number one, I love the decorations, and I love all the comfy furniture. Number two, there are many fun activities inside of the library, like puzzles and quizzes! Number three, there is a wide selection of different books! Number four, the staff are AMAZING!”

JP Library Staff
Beth Puckett and Neely Schiedel

Those are sentiments shared by the entire JP community. Library Media Specialist Beth Puckett has worked to transform the library into the kind of library she would have wanted as a student. Puckett and Library Teaching Assistant Neely Schiedel do their best to bring as many students as possible in every day…and that means getting creative. 

“If you’re trying to bring in a lot of people, you have to find what their interests are,” says Schiedel. 

Puckett calls it “library marketing” — moving past the idea that libraries are stuffy, silent places to avoid. The team said they want JP students and staff to explore the books on offer, work on their studies and feel welcome. 

“Students come here when they need breaks. We watch them really come out of their shells,” says Schiedel. Adds Puckett, “[S]eeing the students blossom is incredible.”

The library offers a welcoming environment. Magical handmade decorations dangle from window frames and over the front desk. Student art and photos cover windows and walls behind comfy reading spaces. Puckett and Schiedel can often be found in costume, celebrating wacky holidays and dressing to match class units. 

JP Library Staff
Puckett and Schidel in the Johanna Perrin Library

“Our goal is to really draw in students…this age is a time when teens start losing interest in books and libraries. I want them to feel that libraries are safe places…I’m so happy and proud of this space, and what we’ve created together, because the kids want to be here and the teachers want to be here,” said Puckett.

Principal Pat Grow says the award is well-deserved, and is a testament to the library staff. 

“Our students love spending time in the library, and we’re proud to have such an amazing facility and staff at Johanna Perrin,” he said.

The day the award announcement was made public, a student rushed into the library, announcing that she needed a rabbit for a class presentation, and that it was urgent. Without batting an eye, Schiedel turned to the library’s mascot — a figurine of a pig named “Wilbur” — and within minutes, had attached construction paper bunny ears and whiskers.

That’s just how things are at the JP library — magic.