Fairport Central School District

The following Feb. 27, 2022 message from Superintendent Provenzano communicates that the New York State mask mandate for schools will be lifted on March 2, 2022:

Dear Fairport Families:

Governor Hochul announced Sunday that the mask mandate in New York State schools will be lifted on Wednesday, March 2. The Governor cited strong COVID-19 vaccination rates, falling positivity rates, declining hospitalization rates and new guidance from the CDC as criteria for this decision.

The Fairport Central School District has been preparing for the transition to a mask-optional plan for all students and staff in the District. As we have communicated, the Board of Education recently adopted a policy, and an administrative regulation was created, to address the anticipated switch to a mask-optional environment. Here is that policy and regulation:

The mask mandate for Fairport schools and schools across the state remains in effect on Monday, February 28 and Tuesday, March 1. 

It is important to note that county decisions may be made based on local infection rates and the other factors like hospitalization rates and pediatric admissions. With that in mind, we plan to pivot to a mask-optional policy on Wednesday, March 2.

We know this is an important and sensitive topic for every family, and every family will make decisions based on what they feel is best for their circumstances. Whatever choice a student and family makes, our staff will continue to create a welcoming and affirming environment for all. This weekend’s decision by the Governor is ahead of the anticipated March 4 date. However, the District has been proactive in planning for this next phase of the pandemic. 

Please consider the below resource when discussing this change with your family:

We are working on a document addressing questions and comments by parents and guardians through a survey distributed before the Mid-Winter Recess. We will have that available for viewing before the mandate is lifted along with any other related state guidance we receive before Wednesday. 

It is important that we work through this transition together as a Fairport community using the strength of our C.A.R.E. values. To help our students and each other through the next phase, we are committed to being patient, listening to our Fairport staff and families, and asking for support when it is needed. 

I look forward to a return to our classrooms tomorrow!

With gratitude, 

Brett Provenzano
Superintendent of Schools