Fairport Central School District

June 7, 2021

Dear Families:

As you may know, late Friday afternoon, New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) Commissioner of Health, Dr. Howard Zucker sent a letter to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) citing that the state plans to change masking guidance for schools. This announcement was unexpected. For clarity, this was a letter of inquiry from the NYSDOH to the CDC; this letter is not new guidance or a new executive order for schools to follow.

This afternoon, the New York State Education Department  (NYSED) sent an update which clarified that Dr. Zucker’s intent in his letter on Friday does not change “any existing arrangements” for schools and was meant to obtain a response from the CDC regarding differing standards for summer camps and schools. The letter from NYSED continued to emphasize that “schools should continue to operate under their existing procedures until further notice.”

In light of this information, the Fairport CSD will continue to operate under our current masking guidelines until we receive further guidance. While we are not prepared to eliminate our mask requirement altogether, given the clear feedback we received from our community, the forecasted high heat temperatures this week and no air conditioning in a majority of our learning spaces, and that the Fairport CSD and community infection rate continues to decrease and be minimal, effective Monday, June 7:

  • Students and staff may remove their masks if they choose to when they are seated at desks or other locations such as the library and cafeteria as needed.
  • Students and staff may choose to remove their masks when they are outdoors.

If not affected by the heat, students and staff should continue to wear masks:

  • while moving throughout the building.
  • on District school buses.

We respect our parents and guardians rights to choose; while we are loosening our masking guidelines given the forecasted temperatures, we encourage individuals who feel safer wearing masks to continue to do so.  Again, we will send additional communication if we receive more explicit directives from the State.

This is another step in the right direction and an opportunity to make a local decision that is best for our school community and consistent with NYSDOH recommendations. I am grateful for the support of our families, and I am encouraged that by the fall of 2021 we will be returning to normalcy. I appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate this rapidly changing situation together.


Brett Provenzano
Superintendent of Schools