Fairport Central School District

The Fairport Central School District invites parents/guardians and students in grades 6-12 to a virtual forum on Internet Safety, featuring Special Agent Jordan Slavik of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Thursday, Oct. 22 from 6-7 p.m. on the District’s YouTube.

The forum will offer parents/guardians and students information regarding:

  • Statistics and dangers of too much technology
  • Dangers of Internet content (illicit material)
  • Dangers of Internet contact (who you are talking to)
  • Dangers of Internet conduct (inappropriate behavior such as cyberbullying)
  • Tips for parents/guardians

The forum will conclude with a question and answer period.

Parents/guardians with questions are asked to submit them before Oct. 20, 2020 to the PTSA representatives listed below.

* Due to FBI protocol, this event will only be available live. The event will NOT be available afterward as a recording.