Fairport Central School District

Make A Difference

Fairport’s four elementary schools – Brooks Hill, Dudley, Jefferson Avenue and Northside – are joining forces to support Golisano Children’s Hospital in this year’s Fall Crawl event, a two-day event to accommodate both cohorts on Oct. 22 and Oct 23.

Over the past seven years the annual event at Dudley and Northside Schools has raised over $40,000. The four schools are participating in the fundraiser by collecting coins that can be dropped off each morning at the front entrances as students enter the building. To ensure safety, the schools have asked that coins be brought in plastic bags rather than as loose change. In addition to the coins and the belief that “every penny counts”, the schools have an electronic donation option at givetokids.urmc.edu/fallcrawl as well as the Make A Difference 2020 T-Shirt website.

Crazy Dog T-Shirts, as partners in the event, are providing 100% proceeds of every t-shirt sold at each elementary building going directly to the fundraising efforts. After Oct. 23 the schools will total the fundraising efforts from all four schools and donate the proceeds to the Golisano Children’s Hospital.

As a culminating celebration, Jennifer Johnson will create a virtual video to share. The event itself will look slightly different this year. Students will take a symbolic walk with their classmates around the school at one point during their school day, celebrating their fundraising accomplishments. The path will be lined with motivational and inspirational posters/signs created by students.

“While supporting Golisano Children’s Hospital is a major part of this event, our top priority is to have our young students see the positive DIFFERENCE they can have on others in their community through simple acts of kindness,” said Fairport’s elementary administration. “These can be large acts such as donating to others in need, but can also be simple acts like saying hello, playing with a new friend on the playground, or smiling at someone who may be feeling down. Through simple acts of kindness, we make the world a better place! WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.”