Fairport Central School District

September 29,2020 – COVID-19 positive test identified at Martha Brown Middle School

Dear Fairport Community:

This letter is to inform you that one staff member at Martha Brown Middle School has tested positive for COVID-19.

The District has collaborated with the Monroe County Department of Health (MCDOH). All contact tracing has been completed. If you have not been contacted, there is no exposure. If the MCDOH indicates there is anything further that needs to occur at the District level, we will keep you updated. Per Federal privacy laws, the District is unable to legally disclose any further details or personal identifiable information.

We will continue to reinforce best practices – mask wearing, staying physically distant from others, and washing our hands – as we continue to work within the guidelines by the CDC and DOH.


Brett Provenzano
Superintendent of Schools                          

Deborah Miles
Director of Student Services, COVID 19 District Liaison