Fairport Central School District

The following message was sent to all Fairport parents/guardians regarding recent news on the reopening of school in the fall:

Dear Families: 

I hope this message finds you enjoying the days of summer.

This past week Governor Cuomo announced his timeline for reopening schools. Questions remain, including whether schools will reopen this fall: 

  • for traditional, in-person instruction with new and rigorous health and safety protocols in place. 
  • partially, with a hybrid of at home online learning and in-person learning at school. 
  • for at-home online learning that has been further developed based on our experiences from the spring.

 The following are important dates:

  • The week of July 13: The Governor and New York State Education Department will release guidance. After Monday’s announcement, we will be sending all families a survey to help us better understand the perceptions and hopes of our school community based upon the guidelines released. Please look for this survey next week.
  • The weeks of July 20 through July 31: Working groups will develop plans based upon this guidance. During this timeframe there will also be town meetings via our social media platforms to continue to learn from each other and work our way through this process. During this period, plans will be analyzed, revised, completed and submitted to the State Education Department.  
  • The week of August 3:  The Governor will reassess circumstances and provide a final status report on how we are to proceed. During this time, reopening plans will be finalized and communicated to our school community. 

There is still much work ahead. We appreciate your ongoing patience, flexibility and willingness to provide timely feedback. We are committed to ensuring a safe, healthy and supportive environment for our students and staff as we plan for our eventual return to school. 


Brett Provenzano
Superintendent of Schools