Fairport Central School District

The data the District has collected from parent/guardians, students and staff through surveys and Town Meetings since last spring and as recently as this week has been informing the District’s reopening plans. 

The Fairport Central School District has made available for the community the results of the ‘Fall 2020 Reopening: Request for Family Input’ survey sent to all District families to help the District better understand the perceptions and hopes of the school community based upon the guidelines released for a fall 2020 school reopening.

Additionally, Superintendent Provenzano hosted two Town Hall Meetings on July 21 and July 22 (click on the two links below to see the video recordings) and addressed questions from the community.

Looking ahead, the District will be soliciting families for specific information relative to fall registration: in-person (in a hybrid schedule) or virtual, as well as seeking specific information for Transportation (whether students plan to walk, ride the bus or are driven by parents/guardians). Stay tuned for this request in the near future.