Fairport Central School District

The Fairport Central School District Red Raider Robotics Team 578 will compete in the FIRST Finger Lakes Robotics Competition at the Rochester Institute of Technology’s Gordon Field House, March 12-14. This year’s theme is FIRST Launch Infinite Recharge.

The Fairport Red Raider Robotics Team is as follows:
Last name   First Name  Grade
Aurand Daniel 9
Hickey Connor 9
LeBlanc Cole 9
Mortimer Wyatt 9
Scarantino Sam 9
Yang Jerry 9
Jones AJ 10
Kafton Tony 10
Messer Jake 10
Roethel Bryce 10
Sepulveda Alex 10
Smith Sam 10
Wise John 10
Allen Leo 11
Carvalho Luisa 11
Dunn Ian 11
Herdzik Gregory 11
Klahn Anthony 11
Liu Blake 11
McKechney Lilibeth 11
Moczarski Alex 11
Mott Aaron 11
van Aardt Karla 11
Xu Kevin 11
Bockrath Daniel 12
Brahm Hannah 12
Callahan Rachel 12
Edwards Collin 12
Embling Kyle 12
Erickson Sophia 12
Farnung Colin 12
Herdzik Stephen 12
Messer Johnny 12
Nilsen Lillian 12
Warner Aydan 12
Westrich Meredith 12

Kraus, Marie – Head Coach Messer, Anette – Assistant Coach
Elie, Terry, Assistant Coach

Aurand, Sue                                 Kavanagh, David
Aurand, Steve                              Linzy, Dave
Davis, Tom                                   Lydum, Alex
Dell, Kevin                                   Miller, Orion
Domanti, Mario                          Mott, Richard
Edgell, Dana                                Moczarski, Curt
Edgell, Matthew                         Stussman, Kevin
Imel                                               Voter, Bill
Zhou, Ling