Fairport Central School District

When inclement weather or any other emergency situation forces the closing of Fairport schools, the information will be communicated as soon as information is available, using the District’s School Messenger automated phone system. Information will also be provided to local television and radio stations, as well as on the District website at fairport.org. Please do not call the schools, as lines must be kept open for emergencies.

The School Messenger system enables the District to contact families, those who signed up for this notification, of an emergency situation such as weather-related closures/delays. The system sends voice and/or email or SMS text messages to thousands of land line and cell phones in a timely manner. Contact information, including phone and email addresses, is obtained through the School Tool system.

The decision to close schools in weather-related situations will normally be made no later than 6:15 a.m. Parents/guardians are encouraged to develop a plan for their children in the event of a weather-related school closing. When school is closed, all related activities, including athletic events and student activities, will also be canceled. Any exception will be determined by the superintendent and will be communicated. In the case of weekend activities, cancellations will be determined by the superintendent after consultation with the principal or director responsible for the activity.