Fairport Central School District

Fairport CIP Vote On Dec 10 Graphic

Dear Fairport Community:

The Fairport community is preparing to vote on our proposed capital improvement project, Fairport Forward: Foundations for the Future, on Tuesday, Dec. 10 at Johanna Perrin Middle School gymnasium from 6 a.m. – 9 p.m.

Highlights of the proposed $56.7 million Phase 1 Capital Improvement Project include:

  • Secure entrances at each building and districtwide safety improvements
  • Districtwide infrastructure maintenance and boiler replacements
  • Technology rooms renovation at Johanna Perrin Middle School
  • Science classroom upgrades at Fairport High School and Martha Brown Middle School
  • Reconfigured bus loop and student drop-off/ pick-up at Jefferson Avenue School
  • Cafeteria and gymnasium renovation at Fairport High School
  • New corridor and lockers at Fairport High School
  • Multi-purpose fields at Fairport High School for physical education and athletics

With 77.9% of the cost delivered through New York State aid, the impact on the average property of $200,000 is estimated to be $45 a year. This impact is for a period of 15 years during which the debt is paid and state building aid is received. 

The expenses related to this project will not result in the District exceeding the property tax cap. Additionally, there is no impact on the exemption/credit related to the STAR (Basic/Enhanced) program since that is a separate program administered by NYS. For more information about STAR, visit: https://www.tax.ny.gov/pit/property/star/eligibility.htm

On the Ballot:

  • Proposition #1 is the proposed capital project
  • Proposition #2 is the capital building reserve fund

To learn more information about this project, visit: fairportcapitalprojects.org/about-2019-project or see the Frequently Asked Questions about this project.

I look forward to seeing many of you next Tuesday, Dec. 10 at Johanna Perrin!


Brett Provenzano
Superintendent of Schools