Fairport Central School District

FHS The Odyssey Poster

The Fairport High School Drama Club presents “The Odyssey” on Thursday, Nov. 21, Friday, Nov. 22 and Saturday, Nov. 23. All shows are at 7:30 p.m. in the high school auditorium. Tickets can be purchased for $10 at area Wegmans or at the door the evenings of the show.

This dramatic adaptation of Homer’s myth begins with a modern young woman who is struggling to understand Robert Fitzgerald’s translation of The Odyssey. A classical muse appears, and the young woman becomes the goddess Athena–a tireless advocate for Odysseus in his struggle to get home. With her trademark irreverent and witty twist on classic works, Mary Zimmerman brings to life the story of Odysseus’ ten-year journey, depicting his encounters with characters such as Circe, the Cyclops, Poseidon, Calypso, the Sirens, and others.

The production is co-directed by Fairport High School teachers Sean Miller and Mark Northrup.

The Odyssey Cast List

Athena: Meredith Davio

Muse, Calypso, Companion to Nausicaa, Phaecian (Seabelt), Enchanted Animal, Siren (Girl Scout), Scylla: Katy Maddalina

Penelope, Companion to Nausicaa, Phaecian (Bordalee), Sailor, Enchanted Animal: Lauren Ronzo

Eurycleia, Odyssey’s Mother, Companion to Nausicca, Lotus Eater, Sailor, Siren (Nurse), Scylla: Morgan Hill

Denizen of Heaven, Circe, Eidothea, Phaecian (Seareach), Siren (Teacher): Riley Hill

Maid, Townsperson, Nausicaa, Siren (Hipster): Sadie Jefferis

Maid (Melantho), Helen, Companion to Nausicca, Phaecian, Siren (Business Woman): Rafaela Doser

Phemios, Arete, Lotus Eater, Sailor (Eurylochus), Siren (Bride): Evelyn D’Amico

Lotus Eater, Argos, Sheep, Siren (Nun), Scylla: Abby Yerdon

Maid (Alcippe), Sheep, Sailor: Abby Panzer

Odysseus: Sam Jones

Zeus, Cyclops, Demodocus: Sam Doser

Telemachus, Lotus Eater, Enchanted Animal: Gabe Carpenter

Antinous, Phaecian, Sailor: Michael Busacco

Aeolus, Teiresias, Eumaeus: Max Gemme

Suitor, Sailor, Hermes, Phaecian (Sternman), Neoman, First Neighboring Cyclops: Sidney Pickett

Halitherses, Alcinous, Sailor: Jack Bailey

Suitor (Eurymachus), Mentor, Menelaus, Sailor, Phaecian (Bluewater): Neel Raj

Suitor,Young Menleaus, Phaecian (Hullman), Elpenor, Lotus Eater, Sheep: Henry Maier

Suitor (Leodes), Sailor: Dyllan Sarich

Eteonus, Companion to Nausicaa, and Phaecian (Tideracer): Qyn Pallozzi

Poseidon, Suitor, Sailor, Phaecian (Beacher), Second Neighboring Cyclops: William Jones

Laertes, Loadamas, Proteus, Sailor (Perimedes) : Cody Zinger