Fairport Central School District

My Friends And Me DrugFree (1) (1)

Welcome to Red Ribbon Week! Throughout the community and around our schools you will see red ribbons. They are visible signs of our commitment to help our students be drug free. With its focus on encouraging healthy life choices, Red Ribbon Week heightens everyone’s awareness that we need to work together to eradicate drug and substance abuse. The Red Ribbon Campaign is one of the most successful drug prevention programs in the nation reaching millions of young people during Red Ribbon Week.

This year’s theme is Send a Message. Stay Drug Free. Wearing Red Ribbons is a symbol of our commitment to providing a drug-free future for our nation’s youth. This year’s ribbon logo design was created by Johanna Perrin student Paige Meuwissen when she was a 5th grade DARE student at Brooks Hill. Her winning design was printed on 8,500 red ribbons that will be worn by students, staff and community members throughout the week.

During the week, students will be participating in various Red Ribbon activities in their schools. We encourage you to reinforce this important message of making healthy, safe and smart choices as you talk with your children about leading drug-free lives.

The Chemical Prevention Advisory Council (CPAC) is an important part of our Fairport caring community. CPAC is a working partnership among parents, schools, community groups, government agencies, and law enforcement. CPAC’s mission is to reduce the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs by our youth. They work together with he Fairport-Perinton community to maximize resources to educate and empower youth and adults in pursuit of this mission.

We will never become complacent in the struggle for drug-free youth and a drug-free community. As a school district, we vow to continue our initiatives that we believe contribute to the healthy development of all our youth. These include the Asset-Building Initiative, Peer Mediation Program, Bullying and Diversity Training, Health Education Classes, Brotherhood-Sisterhood Week, Dignity for All Students and Leadership Asset Training.

We know we cannot do this alone. Parents are the single most important influence on a child’s decision to smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs. You are vital to the success of every child who lives in our community. Together we can have an impact on the choices youth make to live healthier lives. Your support and involvement are critical, not only during Red Ribbon Week, but throughout the year.


Brett Provenzano

Superintendent of Schools

Robert Clark

FHS Principal

Pam Ciranni

MD Principal

David Dunn

MB Principal

Patrick Grow

JP Principal

Meredith Klus

BH Principal

Karen Fingar

DU Principal

Richard Greene

JA Principal

Erin Moretter

NS Principal

Ciaran Hanna

Supervisor, Town of Perinton

Julie Domaratz

Mayor, Village of Fairport

Samuel Farina

Chief, Fairport Police


Additional information about this year’s Red Ribbon Week