Fairport Central School District

Elementary teachers from the Fairport and Penfield Central School Districts collaborated on Mystery Science, an engaging K-5 science resource that combines information with hands-on projects, in July. This project was made possible by a $23,000 grant from Bosch Community Fund that Fairport applied for collaboratively with Penfield. The grant covers the cost of Mystery Science (online) access for both districts for the 2019-20 school year, curriculum writing, and the supplies needed to build science kits.

Mystery Science involves a combination of short videos, classroom discussion topics and hands-on projects. Every lesson begins with a mystery to hook students. The topics cover everything from the “Power of Flowers” to “Invisible Forces” and “Stormy Skies.”

Aligning curriculum with the New York State Science Learning Standards has been ongoing in Fairport for several years and continues with curriculum writing for Mystery Science. 

“The teachers worked through one unit for each grade level and identified the resources needed, materials to order to build the kits and wrote the accompanying curriculum,” said Kristin Larsen, Fairport’s director of Math, Science, Technology, and Art. “The aim is to provide teachers with manageable, yet high-quality instructional resources that promote student reasoning and discourse via hands-on, engaging learning opportunities.”

Larsen added, “We piloted Mystery Science last year before embarking on this project and it was well-received by students and teachers alike. We are excited to fully incorporate this resource into our curriculum in the upcoming school year.”


BOSCH Grant 3rd Grade Kit

Northside School third grade teachers Sarah Dawson and Michelle Laughrey
build a hands-on kit for the Mystery Science unit ‘Power of Flowers’ during
a curriculum writing professional development session in July.

BOSCH Grant Grade 4

Fourth-grade teachers from Penfield and Fairport collaborate during a
curriculum writing professional development session in July.