Fairport Central School District

JP SchooltoWatch

Johanna Perrin Middle School was formally recognized as a 2019 designee in the Essential Elements: Schools-to-Watch Program, marking the third time JP has been selected and recognized for middle school excellence. The school celebrated at an assembly on May 23.

Joining JP Principal Patrick Grow were guest speakers, Superintendent Brett Provenzano, NYS Middle School Liasion Joel Weiss and student speakers Elise Kalbfus and Sarah Grover. Elise and Sarah helped unveil the new banner, which was donated by Lifetouch School Photography.

EE: STW recognizes schools that demonstrate continuous improvement and excel in the following four domains; academic excellence, developmental responsiveness, social equity, and organizational structure. JP was recommended for re-designation in the “Schools-to-Watch Program” following a team visit back in the fall. During that visit, representatives talked with students, staff and administrators. Our students’ behavior and drive for success was noted.

There are currently 388 “Schools to Watch” nationally and JP is one of only 38 in New York State.

Congratulations, JP! We are filled with Raider pride!

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