Fairport Central School District

David Dunn, principal at Martha Brown Middle School in the Fairport Central School District, has been selected as the 2019 New York State Middle School Principal of the Year by the School Administrators Association of New York State (SAANYS) and the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP). This award is given annually to a member of SAANYS and NAESP who is clearly committed to excellence, has programs designed to meet the academic and social needs of all students, and has firm ties to parents and the community.

A lifelong resident of Fairport, Dunn has the distinction of not only serving as principal for 24 years and as a math teacher for the previous 18 years, but also of having attended Martha Brown Middle School as a student and having raised his three children in the district as well. This is a role he relishes, noting that all of his interactions within the school community have given him a “unique perspective of the strengths and areas of growth for the school.” One of his most rewarding accomplishments has been working with a leadership team that resulted in Martha Brown Middle School being named a New York State School to Watch over the course of several years, receiving the designation in 2012, 2015, and 2018. Commented Superintendent of Schools Brett Provenzano, “Our students ultimately benefit from the School to Watch process; it positions the school community on a trajectory of reflection and continuous improvement. It is also symbolic of Principal Dunn’s leadership and commitment to his students, staff, parents, and our community.”

Known also as a leader who consistently goes above and beyond, Dunn can be found early in the morning greeting students as they enter the building, participating in many after school extracurricular activities, as well as initiating community service projects for students outside of school such as helping with fall cleanup for area veterans. He notes, “I willingly accept my 24/7 role as the principal of MBMS. I love the natural visibility that I have outside the work day to be available and accessible to my students and their families.” A testament to his commitment can be seen in the loyalty returning students have to their home district. Parent Deborah Vangellow commented, “Our high school students – some graduates, and even alumni who are now parents themselves – love to come back to say ‘hi’ to Dave, give him an update on life, and just check in with ‘their’ middle school principal.” Commented sixth grade lead teacher Scott Parker, “During my 28 years of teaching, I have taught in five different schools, three different school districts, in two different states, and I have never worked for a better human being than Dave Dunn. Dave cares for his family, his students, his teachers, and his community. He embodies dedication as a leader.”

Dunn received his bachelor of science in secondary education math 7-12 from SUNY Oswego and his master of science in educational administration from SUNY Brockport.

Dunn will be honored for his accomplishments at an awards ceremony on May 3 at the Century House in Latham, New York. As New York’s Middle School Principal of the Year for NAESP, Dunn will be celebrated as a National Distinguished Principal by the National Association of Elementary School Principals at a recognition program sponsored by NAESP this fall in Washington, DC.

SAANYS represents nearly 7,200 school administrators, supervisors, and coordinators. As a professional association, SAANYS is committed to providing direction, service, and support to the membership in their efforts to improve the quality of education and leadership in New York State schools. SAANYS is affiliated with the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) and the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP).