Sarah Dawson’s third-grade class at Northside, or the “Awesome Dawsons,” recently presented their animal research using Google Slides to their Dudley first-grade buddies in Erica Santoro’s class.
Students concluded their ELA study of polar habitats with a culminating activity in which students chose animals to research and learn more about. Dawson and her co-teacher Abby Biehl worked with each student to help them conduct their research and record their findings about their animal, including what it looked like, who its predators were, what they prey on, how they adapt to their habitat and for a little more fun, if they’d want their animal for a pet. Some animals students researched: lemmings; arctic foxes; arctic hares; polar bears; caribou; walruses; and snowy owls.
“We actually learned more about these animals than we ever having using online resources, such as PebbleGo,” said Dawson.
New this year, students used Google Slides to present their research in lieu of a poster.
“It was a perfect opportunity for them to put into practice the typing skills they are developing through the Type to Learn program,” Dawson said. “They were so excited to research and create their own personal slideshow that we felt we had to find an authentic audience for them to share with. We contacted Erica Santoro at Dudley to see if her first-grade class would like to be our audience and learn more about Arctic animals.”
Dawson added, “It was a great experience for all involved and we can’t wait to continue the new traditions next year!”
Great job, students!