Fairport Central School District

Dear Fairport Families and Community:

As we head into February recess, true to form, there are so many meaningful events occurring in all of our schools.

Planning for the 2019-20 school budget is underway. In December, the Board of Education adopted the following budget goals:

  • Allocate financial and human resources to support
    • Instructionally and developmentally appropriate class sizes
    • Mental Health and other unique learning needs of students
    • Variety of ways to engage students in our schools
    • Curriculum management related to educational programming priorities
    • Maintenance of aging facilities to support 21st-century learning
  • Allocate up to 1 percent of our annual budget on identified needs via the Building Condition Survey
  • Continue to identify and employ cost containment measures to manage expenditures
  • Review the use of all reserves and establish prudent “floors” for reserves to support district sustainability

On January 15, the governor shared his Executive Budget. In summary, Fairport will receive an increase of 0.7 percent in Foundation Aid (our largest funding source), approximately $164,000 of our current $129 million overall 2018-19 budget. Our overall state aid is projected to increase by 1.2 percent over last year or approximately $471,000. Despite the meager funding from the state, we do not anticipate a budget season like we have experienced over the past two. However, the Board of Education and district leaders will continue to advocate for the best interest of our district with our local government representatives.

We look forward to seeing community members at the Community Budget Meeting on Thursday, March 7 at Martha Brown Middle School at 7 p.m. Please visit the the district website for budget updates. The 2019-20 budget process culminates with the budget vote on Tuesday, May 21.

The Board of Education and district administration are keeping our strategic initiatives at the forefront. I look forward to communicating with you in March our progress regarding facilities planning and a recent enrollment study that was discussed at the December Board of Education meeting.

I hope everyone enjoys the mid-winter recess. Upon our return, we will be immersed in Fairport’s version of “March Madness” with enriching activities that one can only find in our schools.

Brett Provenzano
